
Showing posts from July, 2020


  The way your are connected with your loved ones. The best thing about relationship is you can connect with only the source of deep fulfillment, the rest are said to be passing clouds which may even last for years but without that connectivity the relationship does not going to work. People needs relationships to be perfect but what is the need to be perfect in relationship, and the perfection is defined by their needs. the first thing for a good and healthy relationship is to stop expecting to be perfect or easy. Falling in love is a greatest gift, but maintaining that relationship is a nightmare. This is because of expecting a person to be as you need and not willing to be the person needed for other. The word relationship doesn't meant only for your partner it also include your blood relations and whom you like among your circle.

Cultivate a new habit.

Making a new habit is  easy than you think. Don't expect every attempt ends successfully, sometimes it may take more attempts at single habit installation. Don't try to change your life over night, it takes some time to make a change. If you want to study for two hours a day first start with 30 mins a day. Try to make it consistent it will help you to stick with your habit. There is a study called 21 days of habit installation which end up in installing a new habit, this is what everyone knows. But the real fact is 21 days of habit installation is to be practiced 3 times continuously to make a habit of life. You have to practice continuously for 9 weeks. For waking up daily at 6.00 am i tired a week and ended. After three month in my fifth i tired the same the for next 22 days, and i ended successfully waking up at 6.00 am but 23rd day i got frustrated and made a break for two days, third day i could not wake up early, it went to my old routine habit of waking up at 9.00 am and

Develop myself.

To Develop yourself you have to work a little bit, have to develop a daily routine. Self-practice is the best way to learn. First build an atmosphere where you are going to get inspired everyday, try to wake up before sun and go to bed as early as you could, overcome the fears, start taking notes about yourself it would be helpful to identify where you need to improve, make a challenge to yourself with a goal and deadline example meditating before sleep - 30 days challenge , make a to-do-list this helps to stay focused, try to quit bad habits such as being late! over sleeping! over thinking! nail biting! and more, cultivate a new habit such as exercising! reading books! waking up early!and more, ignore negative people, find positive people, level up your skills every 24 hours,  find lessons in self-mistakes, make a self validation every 30 days. 

Negative thoughts.

Most among us have negative thoughts. Its because of fear of facing things. I cant do it,  I am not worthy, I must be perfect, I must not make a mistake, I not good enough, Nobody loves me, I dint earn much... these are the most of negative thoughts we come across. Once try to  face the problem "I cant do it" as "I can do it", from that moment you will get some new energy to complete it easily. Yes, its funny to hear it but try once you will get some new experience. Negative thoughts stops us from success. Successful people says that they never thought negatively. Coming up with positive thoughts - I can, oh yes, I will, possible, lets try,  will end up in success. Positive thoughts should be on our words from good morning to good night. Try to face every situation as positive as you could. Lets being from here.