Develop myself.

To Develop yourself you have to work a little bit, have to develop a daily routine. Self-practice is the best way to learn. First build an atmosphere where you are going to get inspired everyday, try to wake up before sun and go to bed as early as you could, overcome the fears, start taking notes about yourself it would be helpful to identify where you need to improve, make a challenge to yourself with a goal and deadline example meditating before sleep - 30 days challenge , make a to-do-list this helps to stay focused, try to quit bad habits such as being late! over sleeping! over thinking! nail biting! and more, cultivate a new habit such as exercising! reading books! waking up early!and more, ignore negative people, find positive people, level up your skills every 24 hours,  find lessons in self-mistakes, make a self validation every 30 days. 


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