Cultivate a new habit.

Making a new habit is  easy than you think. Don't expect every attempt ends successfully, sometimes it may take more attempts at single habit installation. Don't try to change your life over night, it takes some time to make a change. If you want to study for two hours a day first start with 30 mins a day. Try to make it consistent it will help you to stick with your habit. There is a study called 21 days of habit installation which end up in installing a new habit, this is what everyone knows. But the real fact is 21 days of habit installation is to be practiced 3 times continuously to make a habit of life. You have to practice continuously for 9 weeks. For waking up daily at 6.00 am i tired a week and ended. After three month in my fifth i tired the same the for next 22 days, and i ended successfully waking up at 6.00 am but 23rd day i got frustrated and made a break for two days, third day i could not wake up early, it went to my old routine habit of waking up at 9.00 am and got stuck here. Here i found that the habit is to be installed continuously for 9 weeks to make it for life, then i failed in next two attempts and installed early waking habit in my 8th attempt before two years and know its very easy for me to wake up early and go to bed early. Identify the habit which habit could help to cultivate other habits easily and first work on that habit.


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