To make a happy life.

Lets forget our problems, first make our mind blank and erase everything for few minutes. Take a minute and ask yourself what is happiness. Now close your eyes and imagine that you are happy. What you get a person or thing, it depends on you. Here you believe that you are happy with that person/thing. Lets take it as 'x'. 'x' may be a bike/car/boy/girl/books anything. Lets imagine you got your 'x' and you are happy.  Here comes the next part, will you be happy with 'x'. Everyone says "yes" without a second thought but the real answer is "no". Of-course i agree you will be happy with 'x' for a period of time but not all the way in your life. What i am trying to convey is happiness depends on your inner thoughts. We keep changing our-self periodically and blaming others for our lost happiness. Lets imagine you love a person lets name him/her as 'd' and you say you are happy if 'd' loves you back. Why do you define you are happy if 'd' loves you? That's it, you make your inner thoughts/feelings bind with 'd' and make you believe your happiness is 'd'. 
  • Try to question yourself what is real happiness.
  • Whether you could find the happiness inside yourself.


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