3f - Facts

3f Facts : fight - forget - forgive


Learn to fight for everything. Fight doesn't mean involving blood or putting one down and going up, it may be like you are struggling with your past thought, fight to come out of your thoughts get engaged with some other works. It may be like you are struggling with your health, fight against health with your will power, its proven that our health can be improved if we believe we are good. It may be like you are struggling to wake up at morning, fight those five minutes of early waking, your day will be better than any other days. Fight for your self-respect, fight to improve yourself daily, fight to get what you want and fight to be good with all.


Learn to forget everything that makes you down. Forget about the people who speaks behind you and never take the words of some who never encourages you. Try to forget your worst past, if you get it again and again in your mind then it leads you to a bad path. To bring the best in yourself, you need to forget the past that disturbs you. You can't wipe it out 100% but you can forget it to meet your best. Forget the person whom made you down, forget the gossips that never gonna make you good, forget the people who gonna speak behind and forget the negative thoughts that makes you away from your success.


Learn to forgive everyone. Forgiving is a best way to make you a good, happy and healthy life. I agree its not that easy to forgive, it may be a small/big things but we can't forgive someone if they broke our trust. Trust me forgiving them leads you to a better person. If you forgive once you could make a peaceful life. Forgive them but not on the same position. Forgive the one hurts you, forgive the one forgets you, forgive the one push you down, and forgive the one back-stabs you.


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