
Showing posts from August, 2020

For a happy relationship.

Relationships are unpredictable. To maintain a happy relationship needed a healthier understanding. The happy relationship gets affected mostly as you need your partners to love you the same way you do, without understanding them, the way they love you. Expressing your love requires a keen understanding of what love means to your partner. Let you to feel the same, then she/he will love you the way you love him/her. Here gets a proper understanding and catch up a happy relationship.  Personal Space It doesn't mean that when you in relationship you partner does not need a personal space. Sit and speak with your partner ask her if she/he need any personal space, if so grant them that space don't be dominant.  Never get angry at the same  time.   Try to calm your partner, if she/he is angry with you or something-else. If one among you need to win the fight or argument, to end it, let you be the loser. Don't get sick. Never be too dependent on your partner. If you think always y

Why relationships are such complicated ?

Relationships are complicate because we complicate it.  Loving a person is not that difficult as some people says. Here are some reasons how we complicate relationship - not having trust on partner, miscommunication or lack of communication, being defensive, not ready to accept any change, and more. If he/she spoke for 10 mins and could not continue because of their situation but you need to continue it, what will be your reaction here, if you are not ready to accept the situation and not let he/she to go you are complicating the relationship, you may give a reason that this is not first time she/he ask me to accept the situation, i have accepted 'n' number of times and how many times i could bare it. This is simple, you are not ready to accept the reality, you have some expectations which she/he could not make it. These expectation complicates the relationship. Allow yourself to be honest with your relationship and with your partner including sex satisfaction, be expressive, a