For a happy relationship.

Relationships are unpredictable. To maintain a happy relationship needed a healthier understanding. The happy relationship gets affected mostly as you need your partners to love you the same way you do, without understanding them, the way they love you. Expressing your love requires a keen understanding of what love means to your partner. Let you to feel the same, then she/he will love you the way you love him/her. Here gets a proper understanding and catch up a happy relationship. 
  • Personal Space
It doesn't mean that when you in relationship you partner does not need a personal space. Sit and speak with your partner ask her if she/he need any personal space, if so grant them that space don't be dominant. 
  • Never get angry at the same  time. 
Try to calm your partner, if she/he is angry with you or something-else. If one among you need to win the fight or argument, to end it, let you be the loser.
  • Don't get sick.
Never be too dependent on your partner. If you think always you need to spend time with your partner, then you get sick of her/him. Try to balance it. If you both balance it then you both can lead a happy relationship.
  • Be loyal.
You need to be loyal to your partner. Never try to cheat her/him for any reason. Trust means a lot in a happy relationship. If you feel your are not connected then, don't continue the relationship.
  • Say your partner how you love.
Not just by the way saying "I love you". Show your love by understandings, show your love  by supporting, show your love by the way she/he need it. Go bring the world for you partner. Yes, she/he deserves everything.
  • Never speak about past. 
Never go to the mistakes in past, doesn't matter its made by you or your partner. Your partner may have a past relationship, never speak about it. Don't give a silly reason that you could make her/him happy, if you find her past. Love the way you love him/her and make a happy relationship.
  • Criticize your partner.
If you get a chance to criticize her/him do it, but do it lovingly. Try to make a fun with your partner always don't be only romantic. Make her/him smile as much as you can.
  • Try to listen.
Most of us is not ready to listen. we talk more listen less, this is the reason where more misunderstandings starts. May be your partner need your advice listen to her/him so that you can help your partner. Sometimes or may be many-times they just need you to hear them.
  • Be open-minded.
Be open to our partner. Say her/him the way you need to be loved. Share how you want to lead your life. More than expecting that your partner should do, open your mouth and ask for it.
  • Motivate your partner.
Motivate your partner if she/he feels down. Sometimes your words are more powerful in their life. Be positive always. Tell her/him some words that you can, you will, try it, and you have done better.
  • You are beautiful.
Say them the truth, she/he is the beautiful person in your life. These words are more powerful in a happy relationship. If you love your partner them your can admire more beauty.
  • Speak about sex.
Ask your partner about their sex experience with you. If your partner is satisfied its good, if not find a way to do it. Ask your partner about their dream in sex and make it.



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